
Vuno and OncoSoft Co-DevelopOncoSoft Cancer Therapy Solution Specializing in the Treatment ofMedium-Particle Cancers

[Seoul Economic Daily] Park Sang-hee |
Photo = Oncosoft

The newsthat Vuno is jointly developing a cancer treatment solution with Oncosoft, acompany specializing in the treatment of medium-particle cancer, is attractingattention.

Accordingto industry reports on the 21st, Vuno and Oncosoft signed a memorandum ofunderstanding (MOU) to jointly research and develop medical artificialintelligence solutions for precision cancer treatment.

OncoSoft'sfounder and CEO, Professor Jin Sung Kim, is a professor of radiation oncologyat Yonsei University, and was the only person who was present at all of theseevents, including the launch of the proton therapy machine at the NationalCancer Center in 2010, the proton therapy machine at Samsung Medical Center in2016, and the heavy particle therapy machine at Severance Hospital in 2023.

OncoStudio'sradiation treatment planning software has been installed as a demo in more than10 hospitals, including Sinchon Severance Hospital, Kangbuk Samsung MedicalCenter, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, and Ewha Womans UniversityEulji Hospital, and has been used for about 10,000 patients. Of the 100hospitals that provide radiation therapy in Korea, about 20 hospitals replacehardware and software simultaneously every year. In this process, we aim toreplace only the software with on-cost studio.

Medical AItends to focus on radiology research, which is difficult for companies becausethe number of radiology departments is not easily solved. However, for high-endradiotherapy, it is promising enough for AI to replace treatment planningbecause it is already reasonably priced for the treatment, and the software canreceive the existing payment without creating a new payment.

Meanwhile,through the MOU, Buno aims to research medical AI solutions for precisioncancer treatment and develop and commercialize new products with Oncosoft. Thetwo companies plan to continue their leadership in the field of AI precisionmedicine based on their respective R&D and commercialization capabilitiesin medical AI and radiotherapy.

In additionto collaborating in the field of AI-based cancer diagnostic aids and lesionquantification technologies that have been successfully commercialized, Bunohas signed an MOU to expand its business to precision medicine. In particular,Vuno has participated in Oncosoft's capital increase, solidifying therelationship as a strategic partner.